четвртак, 26. октобар 2023.


Homemade Bread:


  • 4 cups of flour
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons of salt
  • 1 packet of dry yeast (7 grams or approximately 2 teaspoons)
  • 1 cup of warm water
  • 1/3 cup of oil


  1. Activating the Yeast: Begin by dissolving the yeast in 1/4 cup of warm water, which should be precisely between 37°C to 42°C (99°F to 108°F). Add a pinch of granulated sugar to this mixture. This is a crucial step, as the exact temperature will ensure the yeast activates properly. Allow the mixture to rest until the yeast has expanded, which should take about 10 minutes.
  2. Mixing the Dough: On a flat surface or in a large bowl, combine the flour, salt, oil, activated yeast, and the remaining warm water. Start kneading the mixture until all ingredients are fully incorporated and you have a unified dough.
  3. Letting the Dough Rise: Cover the dough with a cloth and allow it to rest and rise. This will take anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  4. Shaping the Bread: Once the dough has risen, divide it and shape it into small rolls or any other shape you desire.
  5. Baking: Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C). Once it reaches the desired temperature, place the shaped dough inside and bake for 10 minutes. After this, lower the oven’s temperature to 350°F (180°C) and continue baking for an additional 20 minutes.
  6. Completion: And just like that, your homemade bread is ready to be enjoyed!
  7. Yield: This recipe will give you approximately 6 to 7 loaves of bread, perfect for sharing with family and friends or enjoying over several days.

понедељак, 23. октобар 2023.

Scalloped Potatoes


  • 4cups thinly sliced potatoes
  • 3tablespoons butter
  • 3tablespoons flour
  • 1 1⁄2cups milk
  • 1teaspoon salt
  • 1dash cayenne pepper
  • 1cup grated sharp cheddar cheese
  • 1⁄2cup grated cheese, to sprinkle on top

How To Make Scalloped Potatoes

In a small sauce pan, melt butter and blend in flour.
Let sit for a minute.
Add all of cold milk, stirring with a whisk.
Season with salt and cayenne.
Cook sauce on low until smooth and boiling, stirring occasionally with a whisk.
Reduce heat and stir in cheese.
Place a half of the sliced potatoes in a lightly greased one quart casserole dish.
Pour half of cheese sauce over potatoes.
Repeat with second layer of potatoes and cheese sauce.
Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top.
Top with some paprika for color.
Bake uncovered for about 1 hour at 350°F.

субота, 21. октобар 2023.

 Zimski hrskavi hleb.

"Cipovka". Hleb iz Vojvodine. Sastojci- 600gr brasna (tip 400) 500ml tople vode Suvi kvasac 8g soli. Malo secera Priprema- U 200ml tople vode razmutite pola kasicice secera, malo brasna, kvasac i ostavite sa strane da se aktivira tj. nadodje. Prosejte brasno i pomesajte ga sa soli a zatim ubacite nadolazeci kvasac unutra. Promesajte i onda nalivajte polako vodu. Mesite 15 do 20 min dok testo ne bude glatko ( ako imate mikser 10 min je dovoljno). Stavite u posudu, pokrijte i ostavite u frizider na 3 sata. Izvadite ga i ostavite na sobnoj temperaturi jos sat vremena. Na nabrasnjenoj povrsiti ga blago premesite i prebacite u tepsiju koja moze da se poklopi. Tu ga zarezite ziletom sa strane i ostavite 10 min dok se rerna zagreje Poklopljen hleb pecite na 200c 20 minuta a zatim sklonite poklopas i pecite jos 20. Ispecen hleb pustite da odmori makar 30minuta pre secenja. Uzivajte! . . .

среда, 27. септембар 2023.

 Before you start making Indian Frybread, gather the following ingredients:

All-purpose flour3 cups
Baking powder2 teaspoons
Salt1/2 teaspoon
Hot water1 1/2 cups
Frying oil


Now that you have all the ingredients ready, let’s dive into the step-by-step instructions for making delicious Indian Frybread.

Step 1: Mixing the Dry Ingredients

  1. In a mixing bowl, combine 3 cups of all-purpose flour, 2 teaspoons of baking powder, and 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Mix these dry ingredients thoroughly.

Step 2: Adding Hot Water

  1. Gradually add 1 1/2 cups of hot water to the dry ingredients while stirring with a spoon. Continue to mix until a sticky dough forms.

Step 3: Resting the Dough

  1. Form the dough into a ball and cover it. Let it rest for about 45 minutes. This resting period allows the dough to become more manageable and easier to work with.

Step 4: Dividing the Dough

  1. After the dough has rested, divide it into 12-16 smaller balls. These will be used to make individual pieces of frybread.

Step 5: Shaping the Frybread

  1. Take one of the dough balls and, using your palm and fingertips, press it into a circle. Use your fingertips to further flatten it into a thin, round circle that’s approximately 4-5 inches in diameter.

Step 6: Heating the Oil

  1. In a frying pan, heat frying oil over medium-high heat. You can use a quick-fry thermometer to ensure the oil reaches the desired temperature. It should be hot enough to fry the bread to a golden brown.

Step 7: Frying the Frybread

  1. Carefully add one piece of dough to the hot oil. Fry it until it turns a beautiful golden brown, which takes about a minute on each side. The cooking time may vary depending on how hot the oil is.

Step 8: Draining and Serving

  1. Once the frybread is done frying, remove it from the oil and let it drain on paper towels. This helps remove any excess oil.

Step 9: Enjoy!

  1. Your Indian Frybread is now ready to be enjoyed. You can serve it plain or with your favorite toppings, such as honey, powdered sugar, or savory ingredients like ground beef and cheese.